name: title layout: true class: center, middle, style1 ---
### ESA annual meeting - August 9
, 2018
### .left[ [KCazelles](] ### .left[ .small[[KevCaz/talkETIB](]] .right[[inSileco](]
### .left[Kevin S. McCann] ### .left[Domique Gravel] --- name: style2 layout: true class: center middle, style2 --- # CONTEXT
### Biogeography: processes and distributions --- name: style1 layout: true class: style1 --- # Biogeography: processes
.center[] --- # Biogeography: processes
.center[] --- # Biogeography: processes
.center[] --- # Biogeography: processes
.center[] --- # Biogeography: distributions
.center[] --- # Biogeography: distributions
.center[] --- # Biogeography: questions
### How processes generate distributions? ### How to infer processes from distributions?
--- # Biogeography: theories
### 1. Theory of Island Biogeography (TIB) ### 2. Neutral Theory of Biogeography (NTB) -- ###  Within 1 trophic level --
###  More than 1 trophic level? ####  [Holt, *Toward a Trophic Island Biogeography* (book chapter), 2009.]( ####  [Gravel *et al.*, *Ecology Letters*, 2011.]( ####  [Cazelles *et al.*, *Ecography*, 2016.]( #### [Massol *et al.*, *Advances in Ecological Research*, 2017.]( --- # Biogeography: initial questions
###  How to include more trophic levels? ###  How to include ecological interactions? --- name: style2 layout: true class: center, middle, style2 --- # Biogeography & biotic interactions
### Integrating ecological network --- name: style1 layout: true class: style1 --- # Theory of Island Biogeography (TIB)
.center[] --- # Theory of Island Biogeography (TIB)
.center[] ??? Powerful vision but strong assumption ??? première étape pour lever l'hypothèse. --- # Networks and TIB
.center[] .small[ [Cazelles *et al.*, *Ecography*, 2016.](] --- # Networks and TIB
.center[] .small[ [Cazelles *et al.*, *Ecography*, 2016.](] --- # Networks and TIB
.center[] .small[ [Cazelles *et al.*, *Ecography*, 2016.](] --- # What did we learn?
-- ## Theoretical models with >1 trophic levels raise tons of questions
-- ## What is predictable?
-- ## Where/What are the constraints?
-- ## Energy! input / flux / existing theories --- name: style2 layout: true class: center, middle, style2 --- # Building an Energetic Theory of Island Biogeography
### A key to integrate them all --- name: style1 layout: true class: style1 --- # A truism?
.center[] --- # A truism?
## Sun  Autotrophs  Hetreotrophs
-- ## Water, carbon, nutrients availability
--  [Elton, *Journal of Experimental Biology*, 1924.]( --- # Constraining the model
.center[] --- # Constraining the model
## - 1 island = limited input of energy (J.s
-- ## - a foodweb has an energy cost
-- ## - reaching the energy limit triggers an extinction --- # Energy cost of a network on an island
- simulated food webs - body size constrains: - energy cost of a population (cM
) - topology of the food web ] .column[] --- # Energy cost of a network on an island
- Explicit energy transfer Φ ] .column[] --- # Energy cost of a network on an island
- Energy to sustain minimal viable populations (MVP) ] .column[] --- # Energy cost of a network on an island
- Energy to sustain minimal viable populations (MVP) - Otherwise, extinctions! 1. random 2. the most costly species ] .column[] --- # Energy cost of a network on an island
- most costly species? ] .column[] --- # Cost of a community on an island
.center[] --- # Cost of a community on an island
.center[] --- # Cost of a community on an island
.center[] --- # SARs become SERs .small[ [Wright, *Oikos*, 1983.](]
.center[] --- # SARs become SERs
.center[] --- # SARs become SERs
.center[] --- # SARs become SERs
.center[] --- # SARs become SERs
.center[] --- # Mean degree
.center[] --- # Mean degree
.center[] --- # Mean degree
.center[] --- # Mean degree .small[[Piechnik *et al.*, *Oikos*, 2008.](]
.center[] --- name: style2 layout: true class: center, middle, style2 --- # How ETIB could be useful?
### Concluding remarks and perspectives --- name: style1 layout: true class: style1 --- # Quantification across trophic levels
## To do so, ETIB should: -- ### 1. include a global energy constraint  zero-sum in NTB -- ### 2. describe the structure of energy flux  [Barnes, A. D. *et al.* (2018). Energy Flux: The Link between Multitrophic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. *Trends in Ecology & Evolution*.]( -- ### 3. support the development of the biogeography of food webs  [Galiana, N., *et al.* (2018). The spatial scaling of species interaction networks. *Nature Ecology & Evolution*.]( --- # Explain intriguing relationships
.center[] --- # Help forecasting biodiversity
.center[] --- name: style2 layout: true class: center, middle, style2 --- # THE END - THANKS!