In my previous note, I reported major issues with Thunderbird 78.11.0-1. As it turned out, it was an actual bug that has been reported. Shortly after the report, a work around has been proposed, and the new patch uploaded last Sunday (2021/06/29) solves all the issues I encountered. So everything is back to normal!
IIUC, there was something wrong with libnss3, but I may not have understood the thread correctly 😆… I am very pleased that Thunderbird is fixed now (many thanks to the maintainer, Carsten Schoenert) and I am also happy I took that opportunity to have a quick look at how a bug in a Debian package is actually solved. It also gave me a good reason to try Evolution out, I enjoyed it, but I am much more accustomed to write my mail with Thunderbird, and damn… it only took a few day for me to miss writing my emails in Markdown!