ORCID is a great initiative that provides a unique identifier for researchers (akin to a DOI but for people). In my opinion, the two main/direct benefits from having an ORCID account are:
a web page with details about researcher background and publication (see mine at https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6619-9874 and check out this previous note on the topic);
an ORCID account can be used to log in the web interfaces of various scientific journals so that research have a centralized login and personal details for various journals (see the log in page of Global Ecology and Biogeography as an example ⬇️).

There are two R 📦 that allow one to retrieve and format a set of publications from using an ORCID: rorcid retrieve information publicly available on a given ORCID, which includes the DOIs of the publications listed and rcrossref that retrieve publication details from a DOI. The rorcid’s vignette describes how to combine these two steps in three lines of R code:
I actually wrapped that code in a function that is now in my .Rprofile so as to obtain a bibtex with all my publication with a single command line 😏. Note that if you are looking another format for your list of publication (e.g. JSON), the conversion can readily be done with pandoc-citeproc.