I always forget how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and conversely, which I find very frustrating – for the record the current definition is:
$$T(°F) = T(°C)\frac{9}{5}+32$$
Yesterday, after looking for the umpteenth times the above equation I decided to create a small function that would handle the conversion. I first thought that I could create a 2-lines function just for this specific unit conversion when I realize that there is a R 📦 dedicated to units manipulation: units that depends on the C library libdunits2 and is required to install 📦 sf. After a couple of minutes reading the documentation 📖, I figured out how to create a simple but robust unit converter with one line of code, and so I did:
I appended this function to my .Rprofile
and now, it is available when I work with R. Here are a couple of examples:
I also created a shell function calling the R function above, so that I quickly convert units in a Terminal!
For instance:
I will likely use littler to call the R function in a shell and if I do so, I will report how to on this site!