For the manipulation of spatial objects and spatial analyses, I mainly use R, meaning that I use R packages that turn R into a powerful Geographic Information System (GIS). Before 2017, I was using sp, rgdal, rgeos for vector objects and raster for raster objects. Now I use a combination of sf (created to replace sp, rgoes and rgdal), raster and sf and mapview.
One of the most common manipulation is to convert coordinates
(see sf::st_transform()
in raster::projectRaster()
). With my previous
set up one one of the main difficulty was to find the right proj4 string,
For instance, to use UTM for the zone 17N, with rgdal I used to write:
Now sf makes things way easier with the use the code defined by the European Petroleum Survey Group. So now I write:
Pretty neat! Also, I’d like to mention that makes the search of a specific projection very efficient. For instance, if you search for “Ontario NAD27 UTM”, you’ll end up on, extremely helpful!