Even if I use Calc more often than Gnumeric (and actually I tried to spend as less time as possible on spreadsheet programs), the latter provides a tool I’m fond of, ssconvert:
ssconvert - a command line spreadsheet format converter
It offers a very efficient way to convert .xlsx
into .csv
for instance:
I the command lines above, I first create the folder ‘csvFiles’ with mkdir
and then I use
with option -S
that stands for --export-file-per-sheet
Export a file for each sheet if the exporter only supports one sheet at a time. The output filename is treated as a template in which sheet number is substituted for %n and/or sheet name is substituted for %s. If there are not substitutions, a default of “.%s” is added. (see
man ssconvert
So, basically, assuming there are two sheets ‘sheet1’ and ‘sheet2’ in
my file spreadsheet.xlsx
, then I’ll get sheet1.csv
and sheet2.csv
in my folder
‘csvFiles’ 🎆.
I find ssconvert
extremely helpful in my workflow as several colleagues of
mine work with spreadsheet programs as a database management software 😐:
I use ssconvert
as the first step of my analysis pipeline so that I never
modify the original database and use a format easy to manipulate with the
programming languages I use 😏.