When I switched from MacOS to Debian, I had no idea what laptop to buy so I searched for some information on the Internet. As expected it was hard to find reliable sources of information among websites that are obviously not neutral. After a few hours on the net, I ended up buying a Lenovo ThinkPad T470p and installed Debian on, so far so good, very happy I made this choice.
Now that I am on several Debian mailing lists, it actually seems that Debian users generally appreciate Lenovo as a brand and more particularly the ThinkPad line of laptop. I retain some advice from the mails Debian users are exchanging:
if you can afford it, always consider buying a laptop from a professional line of product as they generally come with better hardware and a better warranty,
if you are handy and conformable with tinkering your computer, then chose a computer that you can actually fix by your-self! For instance, avoid RAM soldered into the motherboard,
thinner is not always better, in most cases, the thinner the less likely to meet point 2! I read something quite funny about few days ago: while the weight of laptop has dramatically decreased over the past decade, the same remark does not apply to the laptop chargers, we therefore are going towards a situation where the laptop weight equals the charger weight 👿, better to buy a tablet computer.