R Graphics

An overview of possibilities

Kevin Cazelles and Nicolas Casajus
Université du Québec à Rimouski


  • Introduction
  • The graphics package basis
  • Composition and multi-panel plotting
  • Graphics automation and exporting
  • Resources
  • Exercises


The importance of graphics

A picture is worth a thousand words

  • Visual summary of data / information
  • More efficient than table and text
  • Useful for exploring data
    • trends, correlations, cycles, outliers, etc.
  • Essential for presenting results

  • But a bad graph can lie about data
  • And sometimes a graphic is not the solution

The components of a graph

The components of a graph

  • Chart area

The components of a graph

  • Chart area
  • Plot area

The components of a graph

  • Chart area
  • Plot area
  • Data representation

The components of a graph

  • Chart area
  • Plot area
  • Data representation
  • Axis (scaling, labeling)

The components of a graph

  • Chart area
  • Plot area
  • Data representation
  • Axis (scaling, labeling)
  • Figure title

The components of a graph

  • Chart area
  • Plot area
  • Data representation
  • Axis (scaling, labeling)
  • Figure title
  • Legend

Some guidelines for better graphs

Some guidelines for better graphs

  • Do not use pie chart
  • Do not use 3D (never)
  • Use consistent colors

Some guidelines for better graphs

  • Do not use pie chart
  • Do not use 3D (never)
  • Use consistent colors
  • Do prefer this representation

Some guidelines for better graphs

  • Do not use more than 6 colors
  • Do not use high contrast color

Some guidelines for better graphs

  • Do not use more than 6 colors
  • Do not use high contrast color
  • Sometimes sizes and symbols are better

Some guidelines for better graphs

  • Write textual informations horizontally
  • Do not use distracting elements
  • Do not add chart junk

Some guidelines for better graphs

  • Write textual informations horizontally
  • Do not use distracting elements
  • Do not add chart junk
  • Think about the Data-Ink ratio (Tufte, 1983)

Some guidelines for better graphs

"Each element of a graph has to help understanding data"

"Choose the graphic that shows what you want to show"

The R system

  • Software environment for statistical computing and graphics
  • Open-source, free and multiplatform
  • Widely used in the scientific community
  • Programming language
  • Implementation of the S programming language
  • The core system is extended through user-created packages
  • You can do what you want with R

The R system

Graphical packages - graphics

  • Base package
  • S-like plotting functions
  • Contains the famous function plot()
  • And a lot of well-known functions:
    • boxplot(), barplot(), hist()
    • lines(), points(), legend()
    • etc.

Graphical packages - grid

  • An alternative set of graphical functions
  • Well-suited for developers
  • ggplot2 is based on this package

Graphical packages - lattice

  • Based on the grid package
  • High-level system inspired by Trellis graphics
  • Specialized on multivariate data
  • and multipanel figures

Graphical packages - ggplot2

  • Also based on the grid package
  • A complete plotting system for R
  • Based on the Grammar of Graphics
  • But introduces its own syntax
  • and requires a long time to master it

  • See the QCBS workshop on ggplot2

Graphical packages - plotrix

  • Based on the graphics package
  • lots of specialized plots (i.e. polar plots)
  • axis, labeling and color scaling functions

Graphical packages - gplots

  • Based on the graphics package
  • Enhanced versions of standard plots ( boxplot2)
  • some extra functions (e.g. Venn diagram)

Graphical packages - others

  • More than 80 others graphical packages
  • For an overview see this R task view
  • For a more exhaustive list see this post

  • On this workshop we will only use the graphics package

The graphics package

Graphical parameters

  • par() returns their values
  • par() allows changing the values

Graphical parameters

  • Important: when you change the value of one parameter, the new value affects all the graphs until the graphical window is closed

Graphical parameters

  • Important: when you change the value of one parameter, the new value affects all the graphs until the graphical window is closed
  • A recommendation:
    • Save the default par(): opar <- par()
    • Change the values: par(col='red')
    • Do the graph
    • Restaure the old par(): par(opar)

Graphical parameters

  • Important: when you change the value of one parameter, the new value affects all the graphs until the graphical window is closed
  • A recommendation:
    • Save the default par(): opar <- par()
    • Change the values: par(col = 'red')
    • Do the graph
    • Restaure the old par(): par(opar)
  • Some graphical parameters can also be changed directly in plotting functions

High-level vs. low-level plotting functions

High-level plotting functions

  • Open a new graphical window
  • Or erase the content of the previous window
  • Examples: plot(), boxplot(), barplot(), hist(), etc.

High-level vs. low-level plotting functions

High-level plotting functions

  • Open a new graphical window
  • Or erase the content of the previous window
  • Examples: plot(), boxplot(), barplot(), hist(), etc.

Low-level plotting functions

  • Work only when a graphical window is open
  • Add content to the active window
  • Examples: lines(), points(), axis(), legend(), etc.

High-level vs. low-level plotting functions

You only need to know one high-level plotting function: plot()

Let's take a look at the data

  • Random data with no particular sense
  • Three variables:
    • x and y: quantitative variables
    • z: qualitative variable (factor)

An empty plot

  • The default plot
  • Quite ugly, isn't it?

  • Now we remove all component
  • We make an empty graph

An empty plot

  • First let's remove the box
  • with the argument bty (default: 'o')

An empty plot

  • Now let's remove the textual annotation
  • with the argument ann (default: 'TRUE')

An empty plot

  • Let's remove the x-axis
  • with the argument xaxt (default: 's')

An empty plot

  • And the y-axis
  • with the argument yaxt (default: 's')

An empty plot

  • Using axes=FALSE is the same as:
  • bty='n'+xaxt='n'+yaxt='n'

An empty plot

  • Finally let's remove data
  • with the argument type (default: 'p')

An empty plot

  • Finally let's remove data
  • with the argument type (default: 'p')
  • In an empty plot, visual information is not displayed but the graph is defined in the window
  • It is now possible to use low-level plotting functions such as points() or axis()

An empty plot, and now what?

  • Now we've got an empty plot
  • We are going to add some informations to:
    • discover useful low-level plotting functions,
    • improve the quality of the default plot
  • Let's go!

Adding points

  • Let's use the function points()
  • It shares some arguments with plot()

Adding points

  • We can customize the points with:
    • cex, the size
    • col, the color
    • pch, the symbol

Adding points

  • Some symbols have two colors:
    • col: the border color,
    • bg: the background color
  • This is the case for pch = 21 to 25

Adding lines

  • Four functions allow to plot lines:
    • points()
    • lines()
    • abline()
    • segments()
  • Let's examplify with a linear regression

Adding lines

  • First, let's try the function abline()
  • with the first way

Adding lines

  • The second way is to specify model parameters

Adding lines

  • The function abline() allows to draw horizontal and vertical lines

Adding lines

  • Now take a look at the functions lines() and points()
  • But first, we are going to predict the model on new data

Adding lines

  • Let's add model regression with the functions lines() and points()

Adding lines

  • We can customize the lines with:
    • lwd, the line width
    • col, the line color
    • lty, the line type

Adding polygons

  • To add a polygon, the function is polygon()
  • A special, the rectangle can be drawn with rect()
  • Let's predict again the model, but this time with the standard error

Adding polygons

  • We are going to add the error envelope with the function polygon()
  • So, let's calculate the coordinates of this envelope

Adding polygons

  • Let's add model error envelope

Adding polygons

  • We can customize the polygon with:
    • border, the border color
    • col, the background color
    • lwd, the border width

Adding polygons

  • Finally

Adding polygons

  • rect() is appropriated when you want to add draw rectangle
  • Here is an example

Adding polygons

  • You also can customize the rectangle

Adding textual informations

  • Let's see now how to add text
  • First let's add a main title with the function title()

Adding textual informations

  • What about adding text in the plot area?
  • We will use the function text()
  • Here is a first example:

Adding textual informations

  • another example

Adding textual informations

  • Let's customize a little the text with:
    • cex, the size
    • col, the color
    • font, the font (bold, italic, etc.)
    • family, the typeface

Adding textual informations

  • Finally, let's customize the orientation and position
    • srt, the rotation angle
    • pos, the position from coordinates

Adding textual informations

  • But the function text() can't add text outside the plot area
  • except if par(xpd=TRUE)
  • We will use the function mtext()

Back to colors

  • R has some predefine colors palettes
## Basic colors
## [1] "transparent" "darkred"     "#505050"     "#4E7BDB"
## and 657 others colors
##  [1] "white"         "aliceblue"     "antiquewhite"  "antiquewhite1"
##  [5] "antiquewhite2" "antiquewhite3" "antiquewhite4" "aquamarine"   
##  [9] "aquamarine1"   "aquamarine2"

Back to colors

  • You can define colors in the RGB system with rgb()
  • You specify value between 0 to 1 for each primary colors
  • For example:
red    <- rgb(red = 1,   green = 0,   blue = 0)
yellow <- rgb(red = 1,   green = 1,   blue = 0)
gray1  <- rgb(red = 0.5, green = 0.5, blue = 0.5)

Back to colors

  • You can define colors in the RGB system with rgb()
  • You specify value between 0 to 1 for each primary colors
  • For example:
red    <- rgb(red = 1,   green = 0,   blue = 0)
yellow <- rgb(red = 1,   green = 1,   blue = 0)
gray1  <- rgb(red = 0.5, green = 0.5, blue = 0.5)
  • The alpha argument controls for opacity (default = 1)
  • Its values vary from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)
  • For example
## Transparent red
redp <- rgb(red = 1, green = 0, blue = 0,
            alpha = .8)

Back to colors

  • Let's see an application
## Empty plot
plot(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, ann = FALSE,
     bty = 'n', type = 'n')

## Transparent red
redp <- rgb(red = 1, green = 0, blue = 0,
            alpha = .5)

## Adding points
points(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, col = redp,
       pch = 19, cex = 4)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-94

Back to colors

  • You can also define colors in the hexadecimal system
  • Each primary colors is define by two values varying from 0 to 9 and A to F
  • For example:
red    <- '#FF0000'
yellow <- '#FFFF00'
gray1  <- '#888888'

Back to colors

  • You can also define colors in the hexadecimal system
  • Each primary colors is define by two values varying from 0 to 9 and A to F
  • For example:
red    <- '#FF0000'
yellow <- '#FFFF00'
gray1  <- '#888888'
  • To add transparency, we have to add two hexadecimal character at the end
  • For example,
## Transparent red
redp <- '#FF000088'

Adding axis

  • The function axis() allows to add axis
  • Here is an example of usage
## Empty plot
plot(x = dat$x, y = dat$y, pch = 19)

## Adding top-axis
axis(side = 3, at = seq(0.6, 1.4, by = 0.1),
     labels = seq(0.6, 1.4, by = 0.1), las = 1)

## Adding right-axis
axis(side = 4, at = seq(0.8, 1.2, by = 0.1),
     labels = format(seq(0.8, 1.2, by = 0.1)),
     las = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-99

Figure margins

  • To change the figure margins you have to change the values of the parameter mar in the par()
  • The order is the follow: bottom, left, top and right
  • For example:
par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 4))

Exercise 1

  • Use the dataset in 'iris.txt' (available on    in the 'data' folder)
  • Using the dataset iris.txt (Dropbox)

Composition and multipanel plotting

Dividing the output device

  • mfrow and mfcol in par()



Dividing the output device

  • mfrow and mfcol in par()
  • split.screen()
split.screen(c(1, 2))
split.screen(c(3, 1), screen = 2)

Dividing the output device

  • mfrow and mfcol in par()
  • split.screen()
  • layout()
mat_lay <- matrix(c(1,2,4,1,3,4),nrow=3)

More about 'layout()'

mat_lay <- matrix(c(1,2,4,1,3,4), nrow=3)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    1    1
## [2,]    2    3
## [3,]    4    4

More about 'layout()'

mat_lay <- matrix(c(0,2,2,1,3,3,1,4,0), nrow=3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    1    1
## [2,]    2    3    4
## [3,]    2    3    0

More about 'layout()'

mat_lay <- matrix(c(0,2,2,1,3,3,1,4,0),nrow=3)
layout(mat_lay, widths=c(.25,1,1))

More about 'layout()'

mat_lay <- matrix(c(0,2,2,1,3,3,1,4,0),nrow=3)
layout(mat_lay, widths=c(.25,1,1),

Combining 'layout()' and 'mar'

Embedded plots

  • You must call new=TRUE
  • AND specifying fig in par()
  1. create your first plot;

Embedded plots

  • You must call new=TRUE
  • AND specifying fig in par()
  1. create your first plot;
  2. use par();
  par(new=TRUE, fig=c(0.5,1,0.5,1))

Embedded plots

  • You must call new=TRUE
  • AND specifying fig in par()
  1. create your first plot;
  2. use par();
  3. add your embedded plot;

    par(new=TRUE, fig=c(0.5,1,0.5,1))

Exporting figures from the command line



  • Devices available   :
    • Quartz   
    • X11   
    • pdf, jpeg, svg, ...
    • in add-on package :

Exporting figures as bitmap files

  • bmp(), jpeg(), png(), tiff()
  • use them:
png(filename, width=480, height=480)

Exporting figures as bitmap files

png(filename, width=1440, height=1440)

Exporting figures as bitmap files

  • pixel (px) = small colored square;
  • width=480 + height=480 = grid of 480x480px ;
  • point (pt) = unit of length (measures the height of a font);
  • 1pt = 1/72 inch;
  • pointsize of plotted text = how many points your font will use (size of the text);
  • resolution res (in px per inch, ppi) links pixel and size;
  • res determines how many pixels = 1pt;
  • if res=72 then one point will equal exactly one pixel.
  • res=72 + width=480 + height=480 = 6.667x6.667in => 16.9*16.9cm
  • res=300 + width=480 + height=480 = 1.6x1.6in =>  4.06cmx4.06cm
  • font 12 points => 0.42cm

Exporting figures as bitmap files

jpeg(filename, res=72,
  pointsize=12, width=480, height=480)

Exporting figures as bitmap files

  • pointsize=12
  • res=72
  • cex=1

  • pointsize=12
  • res=72
  • cex=2

Exporting figures as bitmap files

png(filename, res=144)

Exporting figures as bitmap files

png(filename, res=144,
  height=7, width=7, unit="in")

Exporting figures as bitmap files

png(filename, res=288,
   height=7, width=7, unit="in")

Exporting figures as bitmap files

png(filename, res=288,
  height=7, width=7, unit="in")

Exporting figures as bitmap files

png(filename, res=288,
  height=2*7, width=7, unit="in")

Exporting figures as vector files

Exporting figures as vector files

pdf(fil, pointsize=12,
  height=2*7, width=7)

Exporting figures as vector files

svg(filename, pointsize=12,
  height=2*7, width=7)

Let's practice!

Exercise 2



  • CRAN task view for graphs   
  • more R packages indexed   
  • ggplot2 website   
  • a pdf (fr) for base graphs